Monday, August 29, 2011

Weird Craving #2

Today's craving was for pepperoni pizza while watching the bachelor pad.   This was partly due to the fact that we didn't want to cook when we got home and also partly because the Rangers won by 7 points (well, they won and scored more than 7 points) yesterday (half price pizza with coupon code "Rangers 7" at  But i guess, since there are reasons to what we ate, then that means it really isn't a craving.

Tonight will be night 4 of maternity pillow sleep (think of sleeping with a bean).  I was having trouble sleeping with my four separate pillows (maybe because she was trying to manage 4 separate pillows, and these aren't just the normal sized pillows, they were all the giant body pillows) pillows because they are varying sizes and thicknesses, which I get is high-maintenance, but that's neither here nor there, but maybe across the way. Anyways, I bought a maternity pillow, but not one of the boa constrictor kind that requires a bed of it's own, but a smaller, less invasive one.  It's shaped like a bean and has a tiny little pillow that tucks under my stomach.  It's a dual maternity/nursing pillow.  It's been really great for my sleep life.  I've been able to sleep almost all the way through the night since I got it in the mail.  Caleb gets really confused now because my 3 extra pillows are now shoved on his side of the bed (some of which now become floor pillows, but that's an entirely different subject).  It's pretty funny.

We get to close buying another house on Wednesday, so that means moving starts this weekend and packing should be further along than it is.  We are kind of hoping that someone will just come and move our stuff for us.  I figure, why do something today when you can do it tomorrow.  That's actually what Victoria always tells me. 
And with that I'll leave you with this...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Doctor's Visit

Hello there. HI! Today we had a doctor's appointment to go over the sonogram from Friday.  Basically that just means that Victoria got an excuse to have, basically, 2 half days at work in a row.  The sonographer had said everything looked fantastic, so I wasn't expecting anything crazy.  She also said that the baby vaguely resembled Mike Wazowski.  Which is a good thing because who wants to have a villain for a baby.    Before we get to the appointment, let's go back to Friday. Aside from the explanation Caleb gave as to what the baby looks like, I figured you might like to hear the story.

The sonographer started by taking a bunch of measurements.  I couldn't even see the screen at this point, but I noticed the baby wasn't moving very much.  I asked why, and the she said that it was probably just the time of day.  However, by the time she moved the screen so we could see, someone had woken up.  Baby Boy Whitley was wiggling up a storm by the time we got a good look at his cute little face.  This first picture is the first image we saw.  He seemed pretty peaceful.  You can see the head on the right of the screen.  If it just looks like a blob to you, you can just pretend you see it.  If you think he looks a little like Skeletor from He-Man then you don't have to pretend to see it because you do see it.

So, he started getting busy after that.  The sonographer kept trying to get a picture to prove to us that he was a boy, but our son is too modest to give up the money shot so easily.  He kept wiggling out of view and covering himself with feet and hands.  It's like he was playing keep away.  So silly!!  While he was squirming, she got a picture of his tiny little feet.  We were lucky enough to see wiggling little toes, but sadly for you, all we can show is the feet, or is it a dragon? It's a little blurry, but hopefully you can see.

Finally, she got the picture to prove he's a boy. This one's still a mystery to me, but she's a professional so I believe her.  Just in case you are confused, Victoria is referring to the picture below, not above.  He said "I am a boy!!" and she got it in the picture (the sonogram machine does subtitles, technology is pretty amazing.)  I'm not real sure why Victoria can't see that.

Last, we got to see a picture of his face.  Caleb posted this one previously, but I wanted to post it again because it's so special. You can see here that the sonogram machine was able to record him saying, "Hi Mommy!!  Hi Daddy!!"

Hopefully you can see more than just a Disney cyclops, if you can't that's because it might actually be a Disney cyclops.  I see our sweet little baby's face.  It's amazing how far we've come in just 19 weeks, or for those who are bad at calendar math like me, almost 5 months.  In four and a half months, or for those of you who are good at calendar math unlike me, 18 weeks, we'll get to meet him in person.  I can't wait, neither can I.  It's a beautiful feeling to have such big love for a baby that's part me and part Caleb (and maybe part monster).  I never had a clue that I'd feel this way.

Okay, so back to today's appointment.  The doctor verified all the sonographer's comments.  She said that all the measurements look perfect and that everything is looking completely normal.  We got some blood results back, I think for spina bifida (this is just gibberish for general diseases), and she said everything came back clear. So basically, mom and baby are where we need to be. She used the doppler to check the heartbeat (it's like a tiny phone she uses to call the baby).  It was really funny because as soon as she'd find the heartbeat he'd move and she's have to find it again.  Looks like we'll be adding another jokester to the family. :)

We won't have another appointment for another month, but we'll be posting in the meantime.  Now that we know the gender (aka the color - blue), we'll be able to start planning the nursery and whatever else we need in preparation for the baby.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Well, our baby is already growing up.  Here's a picture...

  You can see his head on the right with the whitish circle in the middle.  No longer is our baby The famous villain from spiderman, "Venom" (see previous blog post).  

He's seen the err of his villainous ways and has changed into a more light hearted and well meaning monster.  One that likes to scare little children, but for a good reason.

Just in case you missed the other post explaining this picture.  Victoria is Dora, and Caleb is Goofy.  If you put them together, according to the above sonogram, you get Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc.

FYI, for those of you have decent vision, you can see that what Caleb is looking at as an eye is really the baby's nose. 
You might have already guessed by how i'm referring to our baby as a he...  We're having a boy!  Hooray BOY!! I'm really glad we finally know what we're having.  It's better to refer to the baby as a he instead of an it.  He's really cute!!  Victoria has an actual appointment with the doctor Monday the 15th; I'm guessing to go over the specifics of how the baby is and, more importantly, who it looks like.  I'm pretty sure I'm spot on, but we'll see what the doctor says.  We'll post more pictures tomorrow when we hear more from the baby doctor. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The first big day, minus one...

Well, tomorrow's the day.  The first day we can really start the fun planning.  From nursery colors to shopping for onesies, tomorrow's the day we find out if we're blue or pink.  What she means is we'll find out if the doctor thinks our baby is a boy or a girl, not my favorite color or Victoria's.  While there are plenty of adorable neutral themes and clothes (I'm not so sure she's convinced of this yet), and while I respect people who can fly by the seat of their pants and not know their baby's gender prior to birth, I couldn't be more excited to find out.  Hooray technology!  People keep warning me that the doctors are often wrong, so I won't go crazy shopping (yet), but I want to be able to call the baby a he or a she.   

Honestly, I think I'm most excited just to get to see the baby again!! I'm excited too.  Victoria edited a post earlier to show a sonogram or two that we had a while ago.  But what she didn't do is show you how amazing our baby is.  This is what the baby was doing during our last sonogram...

More to come tomorrow with news and pictures as soon as possible.