Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blog Post Slacking

Well, we've been slacking off on keeping up with our blog, not to mention even letting people know about it.  Soooo, to continue on with this blog that no one has seen so far, I thought i'd post this. 

Here's one of our sonograms.
So let's say that if i were a cartoon, I'd be goofy, and if Victoria were a cartoon, she'd be Dora the Explorer.
Let's see what happens when you mix these cartoons together...
That's right apparently Dora + goofy = the famous spiderman villain, VENOM. Look again, the baby looks exactly like that venom pictures. I wonder if victoria got a bit by a radio active spider.

So, I thought I would provide a little factual background, because quite frankly, the logic pictured above does not compute in my math book. In the first place, I'm pretty sure goofy is too old for Dora.  Anyways, that's besides the point.  The sonogram pictured above was taken at 12 weeks.  Caleb was out of town for this one, so I took my mom with me.  It was incredible to see the baby jumping and dancing around as we watched the monitor.  Below is another one from 12 weeks.

There's nothing like seeing your baby alive inside of you.  Below is a picture from our first sonogram, at 7 weeks.  It's just so crazy to think something that small can have a heartbeat, but we heard it. :)  Also, if you  look really closely, you can see how smart our baby can already talk!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I decided to add some music to your blog reading pleasure.  I don't know why, but this song kind of reminds me of our baby.  For now there's only one song, until i can figure out how to get it to play a playlist. 

If you can make it through to about 2/3 of the way through the song, that's the best part.  I love 8 bit music.

I have just been notified by my wife that this music does not remind me of our baby.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Shocking Secrets of the Pregnant Woman

Well, we haven't posted in a while, but we did find something that was very interesting.  Apparently pregnant women have the temperature of 2 people.  Below is Victoria's temperature the other day.

I know, it's very shocking and surprising, but it's true.  The thermometer wasn't messed up either.  I tested it on myself and it came out to 98.2.   If you think about it, it kind of makes sense.  She has her normal temperature (98.6ish degrees), and she has the baby's normal temperature (98.6ish degrees).  If you add the two together, you get 197ish degrees. 

I wonder what other fun facts we'll find out about pregnant women.  Do they in fact have the strength of 2 people?  Are 2 heads actually better than one?  Who knows what we'll find out.