Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time for the Masses to name our Baby!

To the right you will find a very narrowed down version of the names that, both, Victoria and I have would love to name our baby.  But, since it's so hard to decide between these names, we decided to try and get some help from the internet.  

So, goooo internet, name our baby!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

9/12 Doctor's Appointment

Hello All!  Sorry it's been so long since our last post.  As some of you know, we moved two weeks ago.  I'm going to use that as my excuse.  Needless to say, we've been very busy with packing/unpacking and cleaning.  We really love the new place, but it seems like we'll never get settled.  This weekend we did a lot of cleaning and re-arranging, and I finally feel like the end is in sight.

We're now 24 weeks along.  For normal people, that's about five and a half months along.  The baby has gotten very active.  I often describe him as squirmy.  I love that he's squirmy.  I'm sure I won't like it as much when he gets bigger, but I love it for now.  

Anyhow, I had a doctor's appointment this past Monday (9/12).  It was a late appointment, made even later by the doctor's office.  I find that the earlier I arrive for my appointments, the later the office is running.  It was just a quick visit though.  I got a flu shot and asked the doctor a few questions.  The past couple of weeks I've been waking up with painful and swollen hands every morning.  It goes away by the time we leave for work, but it's pretty uncomfortable, so I asked about that.  Apparently some women can develop carpel tunnel syndrome during pregnancy.  She suggested wrist braces.  I had one from an old injury so I tried it and it works great.  My only other question was about pregnancy classes.  She gave me the number to call to get everything scheduled.  My next appointment is October 10th.  I'll have a glucose test for gestational diabetes and then she said I'll have to start coming in more often.

This was the weekend for getting things done.  I registered us for pregnancy classes, including labor class, CPR and beyond the baby basics.  We start at the beginning of November, so we'll keep you posted.  I'm sure it will at least give us some funny stories.  I also completed our pre-admission registration with the hospital.  

Caleb and I found our nursery decor this past week.  I was over-worrying about it, so I made Caleb take me to Babies R Us and we found the perfect dinosaur bedding and decor.  If you have a chance, check it out:

I've been asking a few friends and family, but if anyone has any suggestions for "must-haves" that we should get for the baby/nursery/etc., please let me know.