Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our Latest Adventure...

Well, here we are again. We're starting another blog to document another big adventure in our lives.  Caleb and I will begin where we left off.  He'll blog in blue and I in red.  We hope you have fun taking this journey with us.

On April 30th, 2011 I took a home pregnancy test and you can see the results below, or can you?  Also, don't trust the red care-bear, there's something shifty about the way he's looking at the camera.  It's like s/he has something planned.

Okay, so maybe it's super tiny and you can't tell, but we're positively pregnant.  If you squint really hard you can see that the appearance of care-bears is a positive sign.  I don't know why care-bears can't just have a sign that says "You're Pregnant" or "You're not Pregnant."  They always have to show up with some ambiguous stick that has some sort of markings on it; it's like trying to figure out cuneiform.  I figured something was "different" when I was sitting in a San Antonio hotel crying because Caleb and I were arguing on the phone on my birthday.   It was kind of odd because we never argue.  I don't cry often, some would even say I'm dead inside, but there I was, all alone, crying over a grilled chicken salad, not over me and Victoria arguing (let's just get that out of the way).  Such a mess!!  As soon as I got home the next day, I took the test (ugh!) and I was sure. 

From there, the next step was to get an appointment to see my doctor.  As if elevated hormones wasn't enough, when I called my gynecologist, the doctor's assistant informed me that my doctor no longer did obstetrics.  So, no doctor.  Most women can understand when I say that finding a gynecologist is a pain.  Finding someone you're comfortable with and who can put you at ease while dealing with your lady parts is no small chore.  So in my shopping (She's really good at this), I started with the hospital and doctor's offices near our house. I scheduled an appointment for May 11th with a doctor I found through our insurance.  The practice had a website and doctor profiles that were very reassuring.  I was very blessed to "stumble" upon a great practice with a great doctor.  Her name is Doctor Rice and she was very direct and down-to-earth.  At no point did I feel like my questions (and they were many) were stupid or that I needed to hurry so that she could get to the next patient.  The pregnancy test they performed came back positive and we scheduled a sonogram for May 20th. 

Like Victoria, while I'm not dead inside, I am a robot, and didn't really react when she told me she was pregnant, except with a big smile.  I gave her a big hug, and started to think of how fun it would be to have a little Victoria / Caleb to mold and develop into a real person.